Thursday, March 14, 2013

Top Five!

Since I never seem to have any time to type, and the busy days are always when I want to write the most, I'm going to start doing Top Fives for the day. Because I store and store stories, waiting for the time when I'm going to be able to sit down and write for a couple of hours into the night. But those nights are gone with undergrad. And if I keep waiting, I'm going going to store stories until they crumble into dusty heaps in the back of my mind. It's better to just get down something, even it's vague. 

I think I can commit myself to writing more, writing less. And I'm going to keep on doing this until I finally get the chance to make something happen. 

So! Top Five for 3/14!

1. Went into the new born nursery to learn how to test baby reflexes today. Spent the rest of the day wanting to talk about how cute babies are and the fact that they startle reflex at everything like it's the biggest deal ever. Because at a day old, it probably is the biggest deal ever. I will never again judge parents for constantly wanting to talk about every random thing their baby does. I was only with them an hour, and I did exactly the same thing. And I'm not a parent.

2. I got so mad going through the electronic medical records training, that I gave myself diarrhea. Shit you not. 5 hours of my life that I'm not getting back.

3. Completely out of context quote of the day: "Well, to some people, love is more important than know, when they don't have life experience." #Med-school-is-just-like-high-school-but-with-better-gossip.

4. I need to invest in a better alarm than my phone. Now I'm behind another lecture. This weekend is for working.

5. Mr.Manic Pixie I met on the train sent me an email back from the Appalachian trail. squee. XD

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