Sunday, April 21, 2013

24 hours on OkCupid = It's dude message mad lib time!

So I signed up for Okcupid. And it is a SHARK TANK. The men have some rough competition in there.

At first I put myself as bisexual and hid my profile to only non-straights. Without a picture, I knew no one would want to look at it and it'd give me a bit of time to write a bit. Worked. Not a single visit. Then I changed it to straight and posted a photo. In 24 hours, there were about 100 messages.

Living sweet hell.

If I was to take only 1 minute quickly scanning their profile and giving them a polite rejection, that would be an hour and a half of my time. That's ridiculous. It's impossible to even reply back to them all, and let alone keep everyone straight.

To add to this, the inbox they give you only has room for 300 messages. Then it's full and no one else can message you unless they have a paid account. Then you get 5000 or something. This puts the pressure on to really just hack and slash indiscriminately. Every random "hey, ur hot" is another hair in the drain, building the clog.

And if any guy didn't realize what was going on in the ladies inboxes, I could see how they'd get jaded very quickly. Because the likely hood is that they're writing the same message that every one else is and these things no longer work when you are one in one hundred. It'd be pleasant in one on one conversation, but it's an overwhelming wave online. Which duh, riles up all the desires to clam up and hide in the receiver. There's no chance in hell she's going to respond to him unless he has a very eye catching photo, thumb nail size mind you. Nothing else is there to differentiate the guy in the message.

We could make mad libs.

(Greeting), you (verb) like a (positive adj) (noun for female). I think it would be (intensifier for an adj) (adjective to describe something positive) to get to know you. We should (verb) sometime.


(Exclamation)! (Noun for female), you are so (physical descriptor).

or for the minimalist,


or simplest yet,

(sound people make while eating food).

These of course, make fabulous combos too! Mix and match for your pleasure! Splice and break them apart! Reduce to text speak!

Needless to say, the messages are over kill. It's probably easier to just use the search function and go from there. :/

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