Thursday, April 4, 2013

Going back tomorrow?

Man, when gunners gun, they gun for life. You want to hit the gym again, the very next day? and yes, it has to be exactly when the complex opens, not after class. That time is for review and preview. All of it. 

I really could learn a thing or two from his time management skills. Some people are so on top of their shit it's eerie. I on the other hand, am a horrible crammer. There is just much more to do in life. I also waste a lot of time on the internet. Sometimes I wonder if the world was more productive when there was no internet. Then I remember how much time I wasted in grad school photocopying one article that was only in print. So something has to even out. 

6 AM. 6 am. 

And this isn't social hour where you do the same exercises, spot each other, and take turns goading the other person on. Nope. This is get in, get straight to the plan, get out. Hell, if it's going to be that way, I'm doing my own thing too. I've done the follow and let the guys pick the exercises thing before. If they follow the stereotype, (and they usually do, because it's a stereotype for a reason) then there's always way too much arms and chest, legs and butt are largely ignored, and all the exercises work on a single muscle, with a single joint moving. Which single joint exercises are fine...but lets do them after the multijoints like squats and pull ups. Then we'll keep our form fresh for the most complicated stuff. 

Ultimately, it works out better that we go our separate ways. Because until I find a female work out buddy who actually wants to lift heavy iron, I'm never going to find someone who wants to hit the same areas with the same frequency in the way that I do. Men and women have very different goals if they're trying to build their physique. Masculine and feminine physiques have very different muscular emphasis.

So if we're going back again tomorrow, hmm. I usually rest at least a day in between, and know what to hit because by that time, something is itching to go and the other half is sore. But I'm not really feeling that right now because my DOMS usually peaks 48 hours later. So I think I need to actually come up with a plan for tomorrow. 

Let's see. Today I hit the following:

Hip Adductors and Abductors. 
Hip flexors and hamstrings. (I have to look up the machine name that I use for this set of four. It's pretty neat, but kinda obscure.)
Pull ups, Chin ups, + Dips. (Assissted. I'm taking off 84 pounds of weight right now.)
Seated Rows
Back extensions
Then I rolled out my legs on the foam. 

There's not much you can do in just an hour. And I largely focused on my hips (because I have an injury there), my back and shoulders (because I am anticipating an injury from swing + I hunch too much and that is causing me to fold in like a bull dog), and a bit of legs and butt (because I am vain). Basically my major physique goals are to correct my posture and have fun buns. 

So tomorrow would be a good day to hit legs a little more seriously outside of the squat rack. It's probably a good day for kettle bells and lots of balance on the bosu ball. I also want to start getting into plyometrics, but I've got to do it in baby steps. And if that doesn't fill enough time, I'm going to run. Sounds like a plan enough. 

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