Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vehicular Archaeology

After putting cleaning my car off for several...I don't know what unit to use, I have finally found myself in a corner where I need to get it done because I am driving people in it to a wilderness medicine conference this weekend. And I'm going to make this quick, because of course there's 2 tests sandwiching a weekend that has a conference in the middle of it and a paper due sometime around then too. 


But I had to waste my time posting this archaeological dig because it is too good to pass up. And so you can know why I can't have nice things. 

Cleaned the car...found the following. 

  1. a huge bag of sea shells + drift wood
  2. water color post cards
  3. My camera!
  4. Oh and the camera bag! Completely separate from said camera of course. 
  5. 2 umbrellas
  6. 2 fist fulls of pencils and pens
  7. 1 plastic grocery bag worth of receipts, old grocery lists, directions, and other garbage. (But not food garbage. That's my line.)
  8. 2 metal water bottles
  9. an iron
  10. books on the following topics: Myers Briggs Personality Test, nutrition, cardiophysiology, handwriting analysis, jazz improvization, anatomy, and random psychology magazines that Mom put in my Christmas stocking last year. 
  11. a 16 oz mushroom box filled with raw garnets.
  12. 3 rolls of emergency toilet paper and one roll of paper towels 
  13. 2 jugs of emergency water
  14. band aids
  15. my camping backpack. Which is held together with duct tape and filled with insurance documents.
  16. The sound track for "The Mask". 
  17. 1 sunglasses bag filled with change. 
  18. 2 samples of dishwasher soap
  19. deodorant
  20. An unopened laboratory grade chemical shield gown. 
  21. An unopened carabiner, still in package. 
  22. and of course, tons of doodles that I have no plans for what so ever. But I'm keeping them anyway, until I look through them all.
The car is one step closer to clean! Which of's now all in my room instead.

But no time for that thought! I need to get the sand out and pass this clinical diagnosis test tomorrow. 


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