Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reflection time: What's going on + The Stuff I do Right.

So here is what is going on in my posting lull.

1. I'm studying for an exam. Which...yes, I know that official "doctors orders" would be to study more regularly, not procrastinate, and then have my diet and exercise programs kept up on. They call that "staying whole" and it's advice they give to us over and over again.

The student response to this is...screw you, that doesn't help me in the middle of a panic, I'm gonna pass. Then after the test, every one does one of 3 things: crash, drink themselves into a stupor, or runs off to the gym out of desperation to regain normality. Truthfully, it's all some effort to regain normality, it's just that we define it in different ways. I personally prefer crashing, and have been known to clock in a good 14+ hours of sleep the day after a test.

2. I pulled my shoulder moving a book shelf. And, since it seems to be healing, I'm not going into the doctor. YET. If it gets bad...I promise. I'll stick to my word and do it. Even though I'm pretty sure they'll just tell me to rest, or ask for things that I can't afford.

3. I am thinking of what my next project is going to be. In the mean time, I should probably tell you the couple of things that I do right so I can cut out what my project is not going to be. Or we can call this as "Yay, I'm not really THAT bad. Let me pat myself on the back without staying in denial about the other stuff I clearly need to get going on."

SO. Here's the list of stuff that is impractical for me to work on, because I have it under wraps.

1. I don't smoke. Never have.

2. I don't use recreational drugs. Never have.

3. My alcohol consumption is lower than the standard recomendations for women "No more than 1 drink per day and no more than 5 days a week". At least I think that's what it is, I could be wrong. Please correct me if I am. Any way, it's a lot lower. Because I'm cheap like that. Also alcohol tends to make me really boring at parties because I get really sleepy and sort of shut down. I'm not an angry or sad drunk, just a damn boring one.  I drink about once a month, maybe twice.

4. I technically do 30 minutes of light cardio five times a week by walking 15 minutes to class and walking back. But my exercise is clearly a product of transportation and the fact I set myself up to live close to where I need to go. Most people don't have that luxury for one reason or another, so I'm going to revisit the exercise issue to make things conveniently inconvenient. But not right now. Not yet.

5. I eat my veggies. A lot really. I pick whole grains and I don't generally turn to fast food because of money issues/it makes me feel sluggish as hell. The major problem with my diet is that I have a tendency to become overwhelmed with work, skip meals, and crash into blood sugar zombie mode. I'm a semi functioning blood sugar zombie right now, as we speak.

6. My cholesterol is the bomb. I recently got the results from my blood test back. HDL is 74. Over 60 is considered very beneficial. Everything else is in the right ranges. I don't see myself trying to change that.

7. My BMI is just fine, 20.2. Although I hate that measurement because it doesn't measure how much muscle you have, I know I don't have an overweight problem. I don't know what my body composition is, but before I lost weight this summer, it was about 21% which is nice and healthy for a woman. I'm curious to see what it is now.

That's about it. This is where I'm starting from. Truthfully, that seems like the pinnacle of health to many of the people I know, especially my parents. Most people are willing to call it a day as long as their body type is thin enough. But I think that's entirely missing the point.

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